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design manual for KULTURNAT TISVILDE


At our studio, HAGEN ETC., have we created the visual identity that encapsulates cultural and social cohesion in a local area outside the season of the local cultural festival - KULTURNAT TISVILDE.

The graphic is a canopy of diversity and visual platform for the dissemination of the many different arts, cultural events and local activities.

With a visual pictorial style in form and clolrs that creates a uniformity and mood distinguished style that is aesy to read and decode.

A visuel identity with a value chain shall support a guideline for the end user to follow the flow into the night's events.

In addition to the graphic identity, the task includes layout for SoME platforms and communication, various maps for the event, setting up ads, postcards, banners, hoodies, campaign cars, pennants, program leaflets and stickers.

The task is done as purely voluntary work.

The visual identity.
App icons
SoMe Icons
The map
Illustation and design
Tisvilde badehuse
Illustration / Evening over Tisvilde
Mega poster
Bus poster
The logo

Graphic design

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